Importance of
Treatment for Women

Our program encourages women to explore and heal core issues that are preventing them from living the life they are worthy of living. All therapy and programming are designed to create an environment of mutual respect and empowerment, grounded in trauma-informed care. Our approach is designed to address substance abuse and other commonly presenting behaviors that often co-occur with trauma. We help women heal the underlying issues that are responsible for consistent self-sabotage. Our treatment team assesses the whole person, including an acknowledgment of the cultural influences and assumptions that many women have been raised with that may influence negative self-beliefs or behaviors.

The Strength to Heal is Already Within Each of Us

We believe that the answers to who we are and what we can become are already within each of us. At Juniper Canyon we help women find that core beauty and strength. We do this by providing women with a community of engaging guides and clinicians who personally model and cultivate balanced, healthy lives. We maintain a team of committed, experienced professionals who have intentionally created an environment where women learn to trust and support their communities, often for the very first time. The lessons and successes that they experience allow them to build healthy friendships in early recovery, and to develop their own supportive network when they return to their communities and families. Just as carving a smooth spoon from a rough Juniper branch unleashes the beauty and utility of the wood, Juniper Canyon helps each woman find her inner strength and resilience. 

Juniper Canyon is a supportive, challenging environment that encourages personal responsibility and self-awareness. We recognize that healing is a process, and it may be just the beginning. Whether we are out on an adventure, or at the treatment center, we focus on life-skills development, building meaningful relationships, conflict resolution, self-care, and many other aspects of a healthy lifestyle.