Rites of Passage: Becoming who we are

“The modern day vision fast is a border crossing practice. When one steps across the threshold and into the unknown wilderness, boundaries begin to dissolve and our vision begins to expand. Everything is pregnant with meaning, and nature speaks to us in the voices of rock, tree, and wind. Following the ancient pathway of this rite of passage, we step into our true nature and remember our home among the wild. We become who we were born to be.” -School of Lost Borders

This week a few of our women crossed their own thresholds into the unknown to mark their passage into recovery. They spent three days and three nights fasting alone with themselves and the land to honor their individual journeys and processes. On the morning of the fourth day, they were welcomed back from the threshold by their community and guides with a hot meal, warm hugs, and a brave space to tell their stories.

At Juniper Canyon, we have a strong tradition of Rites of Passage and vision fast programming to support our women in their journey toward discovering their truest selves. We believe that this is an essential piece of honoring the women they are becoming. So what does this specifically mean for our clients?

Each woman who chooses to embark upon the journey of Juniper Canyon, is already embarking on a rite of passage of sorts. They are choosing to cross a threshold and leave behind an old way of being that is no longer serving them in order to become a more authentic version of self. We use our rite of passage program to enhance their awareness of this transition and to support them in the use of personal ceremony to mark this transition on the physical plane.

As with many things, there can be a lot of uncertainty within the rite of passage process. For most of our clients, this is their first exposure to this experience, and hesitancy is expected. Throughout our clients’ stay, we always support a challenge by choice model. Our clients are the experts of their own experience and we would never encourage anyone to embark on a rite of passage who was not ready. Second, our rite of passage guides are passionate as well as knowledgeable about how to help clients to prepare for this experience, beginning weeks in advance. Lastly, we maintain and uphold client safety as paramount throughout this process and provide appropriate support throughout the experience.

Our rites of passage program is just one of the many things that make Juniper Canyon a unique and effective program for women who are looking to change their lives. We believe that our women and the wilderness have the power to heal, and we’re just here to support where we can. We are proud to honor all of the women who have completed their Rites of Passage fasts with us, as well as those who are yet to come. May we all become who we truly are.